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Becky Rochester is a brewer at a small craft brewery in Bend, Oregon

Becky Rochester's Bio:

Becky Rochester has worked in the beverage industry for over ten years. She began her career at Bargetto Winery in the Santa Cruz Mountains wine region in 2004. After becoming interested in the winemaking aspect of the business, Becky moved to New Zealand in 2008 to become an intern at Delegat's Oyster Bay in Marlborough. She lived out of a suitcase for the next year while working for wineries in New Zealand, Australia and California. Having settled in Oregon in 2009, Becky Rochester became a key manager at Willamette Valley Vineyards where she managed over all the direct-to-consumer operations. An opportunity to help promote and grow the wine industry in Becky's home state of Wisconsin came up at the end of 2010 and she accepted the job as the Wisconsin Grape Growers Association Grape Marketing Coordinator where she worked until December 31, 2012. Becky recently spent three months in New Zealand where she worked as a Seasonal Vintage Cellar Hand at Delegat's Wine Estate (Oyster Bay) and also at a Renaissance Brewing. Although Becky is still passionate about wine, her love for craft beer has continued to grow over the years. She recently completed her brewing internship at Deschutes Brewery and most recently became a Brewer at Crux Fermentation Project.

Becky Rochester's Experience:

Becky Rochester's Education:

Becky Rochester's Interests & Activities:

Running, cooking, hanging out at local breweries, mountain biking.

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